Internal Audit

Posted by Unknown on 22:16 with No comments

We help you to review existing internal control system. This review is modified based on the needs of clients. Scope of this review comprise the focusing review on key control procedures and process and the summary reporting will presented the weakness and significant deficiencies and proposed priority solutions to address these issues and our comments, evaluation of the internal audit team and the possibility to adopt the proposed new/revised systems from current team.

We help you to build your own internal audit team and system which commence from and based on the expectations of stakeholders about the internal control systems; to build the strategy, plans and manual for your own internal control system; to conduct significant risk evaluation to concentrate your resources focus on these areas; to evaluate and compare your resources with the needs of this system and necessary knowledge and skills of each member team; to build the job description for key members team. We will closely co-ordinate with you to propose the best solution of building your own internal control system.

We provide you the Performance/Quality Assurance Reviews and Training to your internal audit function; to assist in providing clarity and in validating stakeholders' expectations of your internal audit function by assessing the existing internal audit structure, methodologies, resources and capabilities in light of value expectations. We will identify opportunities to improve your internal audit capabilities and processes and support you by developing a plan to increase the maturity and capability that is aligned to you corporate goals.