Tax Returns Service

Posted by Unknown on 01:11 with No comments

Your business is typically required to submit tax returns (Value Added Tax, Foreign Contractor Withholding Tax, Personal income tax…) on a monthly basis. These tax returns are required to submit on and before the 20th day of the following month.  

 Your business is also required to submit the quarterly provisional corporate income tax return on and before the 20th day of first month of following quarter.

The annual tax returns are required to submit on and before 31st March of the following year (If your fiscal year and tax year is the same with calendar year) or at the end of the first quarter of the following fiscal/tax year if your fiscal and tax is difference with calendar year.
The payment deadline of your tax liabilities are the same with relevant tax returns deadline. Any delay of above submission or payments will be considered late submission or payment and the penalties and late payment charges are accrued based on such delays.

Let us do these works to ensure these tax returns are prepared accuracy and sufficiency and submitted on time to the tax authorities.